We’ve got a rough cut, friends. Call me biased, but I can honestly tell you the movie is a blast. It’s silly, funny & even heartfelt. You’ll puke nostalgia, giggle & then your heartstrings will be tugged in ways you weren’t expecting. The film is currently clocking in at about 10 minutes. Short enough to keep your attention & impossible to put you to sleep.
I can’t wait. We can’t wait.
And the best part? We’re involving the Ninja Turtles community! A handful of people have contributed already in so many cool ways. Got a skill or suggestion on ways YOU can participate? Let me know! The more pals involved with this project, the better it’ll be. Drop me a message on social media @TheSewerDen or email at JZfilms@gmail.com
We’re eying a late summer or fall release, so there’s still time to get involved. It’s going to be a shell-shockingly good time. Stay tuned for more bad puns and news about the movie!
Peace, love & Turtle Power,
I personally do some illustration stuff, so if any of that would be needed.